What a downright moronic article! It is amazing that a self-described religious magazine would use such a totally
irrelevant piece of news to further its misogynistic agenda:
"Faint Foils Feminist.
Last May 24, Dr. Edith Summerskill was opening a schoolgirls' exhibition in London, England, seizing the
oportunity for a talk on women's rights. Just as Dr. Summerskill was saying, "Not many years ago it was
said that women were not fitted to carry a drum," a girl drummer in the women's army band before the speaker's
dais fainted. At once, the speaker broke from her speech and rendered first aid. When the girl did not immediately
respond, Dr. Summerskill resumed her position on the platform, stating, "I know she would rather I went on. May
men who have had to stand under similar circumstances have often fainted, and I have had to go forward and aid them
in the same way." However, the girl showed no signs of coming around as the speaker continued, whereat
Dr. Summerskill hastily declared the exhibition open and returned to the patient until she recovered."
Awake!, December 22, 1950, p. 27.
JWs: We don't say such things anymore!
Me: Sure, but the guys running the show now were the teenagers who grew up
taking for granted that this load of rubbish was the true word of God.
Unfinished Mystery